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“They simply click on the first Taman Bahagia, and as a result they are sent to Taman Bahagia in Sandakan, Sabah,” Khairy said during a CITF press conference with Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba. Due to this, he said the MySejahtera app now has an additional feature for users to confirm their address details, including their post code and state.“My message to MySejahtera users is to please go and update your address field, so that those incidents will be minimised and eliminated completely, and this problem will not occur in the future. “We are also coming up with an interactive help desk on MySejahtera soon, to assist with cases that have been sent to PPVs that are in other states or far from them, due to the issue with Google Maps’ API,” Khairy said. Related Articles ‘But only 2,000 have registered’, Khairy says in response to criticism not all GPs nationwide in Covid-19 vaccination drive Khairy: Pilot programme for vaccination via mobile trucks to be introduced in KL Khairy promises improvements to mega PPV SOPs after overcrowding concerns